
010 cobe west don lands exterior

West Don Lands wins 2019 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence

Cobe and Architects Alliance's affordable housing project in Toronto, West Don Lands, has been awarded the 2019 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence.

The project stacks the architectural components from the three surrounding neigbourhoods: townhouses, warehouses and silos, creating a complex that both adapts to its surroundings and contributes by adding new distinctive, robust architecture. Consisting of three buildings, two of which Cobe has designed, the project contains 761 market rental apartment units including 30 percent affordable rental units.

Quote from jury member Joe Lobko:

"This project reminds us of the basic rules of great urbanism: buildings that help define streets and public spaces, with a vibrant ground plane and appropriately scaled and shaped built form that artfully interprets its historic context, while accommodating a wide range of use and population. It works on so many levels. The approach to affordable housing for this privileged site is timely, ambitious and appropriate for provincial land such as this".